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Collagen and Elastin: Where Is It Found in the Skin & What Is It?
Like the Beyonce and Jay-Z of skincare, collagen and elastin are the power couple we all need to know about....
Chapped Lips Causes: Remedy & Treatment for Severe, Dry, Cracked Lips
You don’t appreciate how nice it is to have smooth, hydrated lips until you have dry, chapped lips. We’ve all...
Youthful Skin Secrets: How to Get, Keep & Maintain Young Skin
We all know that we can't stay young forever, but wouldn't it be great if we could keep the radiant...
Fungal Acne on Back, Chest, & Arms Vs Regular Acne: What Is It?
Do you suffer from acne-like symptoms that simply won't go away, no matter what you try? If you've tried all...
Collagen Definition: We Define Collagen & the Anatomy of This Protein
Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. It is a family of fibrous proteins in mammals. You'll also see...
Collagen for Joints: Does It Help for Joint Pain? (Supplements Explained)
There's nothing worse than persistent aches and pains that stop you from reaching your fullest potential. Joint pain isn't just...
Collagen For Weight Loss: Do These Peptides Make You Lose Weight?
Whether you're a skincare nerd or a total gym addict, you've probably come across this supplement in some shape or...
How Is Collagen Made, What Makes It, & How Is It Produced in the Body?
It's no secret that collagen is the most important ingredient in healthy, youthful skin. Some even hail collagen supplements and...
Skin Purging Vs Breakout: What Is a Purge & Is It Good for You? (Before & After)
Normally, if a new product is causing you to break out, it’s time to chuck it in the bin. But,...
Type 1 Collagen: What Is Its Function & Structure & Where Is It Found?
If there is one thing we would tell our younger selves about, it’s this: It’s never too early to start...
Brittle Nails: What Causes My Fingernails To Get Dry?
We know we shouldn't cry over a broken fingernail, but it sure can be frustrating when our nails continue to...
How Long Does It Take for Collagen Supplements to Work?
Adding more collagen to your life is definitely a good idea, especially if you want to create a serious skin...
Type 2 Collagen: Side Effects & Benefits of Type II Collagen Explained
In case you haven't heard, collagen is in. This popular protein supplement promises all kinds of beauty and health benefits...
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