How To Lose Weight: How Can I Lose Weight By Eating Healthily

The most persistent question faced by dieticians, nutritionists, trainers, and health coaches every day comes from people wondering how to lose weight and keep it off.
Maybe you want to shed a few pounds to look and feel your best this summer, or perhaps you need to lose weight for health reasons. Whatever your reason for embarking on a weight loss journey, we know exactly how daunting it can feel starting out.
There are so many conflicting ideas and fad diets out in the world that it can be hard to know where to begin. When you're drowning in a sea of advice about low fat vs. low carb, paleo, keto, or Atkins, you might just feel like giving up before you even start!
But the truth is, losing weight doesn't have to be an insurmountable task.
There is a path to sustainable weight loss that focuses on long-term health goals, one that actually helps you to lose weight and keep it off. By focusing on a few key health principles and creating a focused exercise regime that's a good fit for you, you can start your healthy weight loss journey the right way.
We've gathered the 11 best tips from nutrition experts that will help you lose weight and keep it off. We also have some secrets to share that will help you build a lifestyle that will benefit your body and your skin, for a youthful, fit, and healthy glow.
How to Lose Weight the Safe & Healthy Way
Whatever your reason for wanting to lose weight, there will always be a safe and an unsafe way to do it.
Still wondering "how can I lose weight?". Well, however tempting an advert for diet pills, tummy teas, or another fast-track weight loss solution may seem at first, it is rarely going to be an option that is good for your health. The reality is that weight loss takes time, and any get-skinny quick solutions will likely not be good for you in the long term.
A successful weight loss program will focus on gradually shedding those pounds, incorporating healthy eating, exercise, and lifestyle changes to make you look and feel your best. In general, safe weight loss averages about 1 to 2 lbs per week, although this can vary according to your current weight, age, and gender.1
If you want to lose weight and keep it off in a way that is safe for your overall health, we don't encourage excessive counting calories or cutting food to the point of starvation. Instead learn how to lose weight healthily! To help you, we are going to focus our weight loss advice on eating nutrient-dense meals, portion control, mindful eating, and a good diet balanced by sufficient exercise.
Please note that some of the tips below may not be suitable if you have diabetes, heart problems, or other pre-existing conditions, and we would recommend that you seek medical advice before embarking on any weight loss diet.
11 Nutrition Tips For Losing Weight
The key to losing weight doesn't only lie with the number of calories your eat versus those you burn. There are various facades to weight loss that you need to master in order to achieve reasonable weight loss that you can stick to. Here are 11 tips:
1. Set Realistic Goals
Yes, you can learn how to lose weight dieting but, often, one of the first hurdles people tend to fail at when it comes to weight loss is setting an unachievable goal for themselves. If you decide to aim for a super low-calorie target per day in order to reach a faraway body weight goal, you are probably setting yourself up to fail.
These unrealistic goals often arise when people are hoping to lose weight fast, maybe it's to fit into a dress for an upcoming event or simply a feeling of impatience. The reality is that these severe short-term goals are unsustainable in the long term, as you can't keep up eating so few calories forever. Even if you do lose weight in the short term, you will get it back quite quickly when you resume a more normal lifestyle.
For long-term, sustainable weight management that aims to not only help you lose weight but also keep the weight off too, we recommend you steer clear of fad diets or yo-yo dieting and learn how to lose weight through diet, exercise, and mindfulness.
Rather than thinking in terms of an item of clothing or wanting to get "beach-body ready", try setting a long-term goal of health and happiness that is focused on feeling good. These types of long-term goals will help you focus on the bigger picture and you can use them to keep you motivated to lose weight when things get difficult.

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2. Practice Mindful Eating
Learning how to lose weight is just as much about your mindset as it is your physical efforts. Mindful eating focuses on a healthy attitude to food, and it involves actively listening to what your body needs each day. When you get more aware of what you need, this will involve only eating when you are hungry, and stopping when you are full, which will play a helpful role in losing weight.
A large part of this type of self-awareness when it comes to food is recognizing when you are emotional eating. Feelings such as boredom, stress, or sadness can often lead to overindulgence in starchy and fatty foods, which is an eating habit that will lead to weight gain over time. Mindful eating means learning to recognize your emotions and find better alternatives to emotional eating, like getting out for a walk, calling a friend, or maybe making a healthier and more nutritious snack than you may have initially considered. Changing your mindset around what you eat and breaking these bad habits will significantly help you get your weight-loss goals on track.
It is also important to be aware of what you are doing while you are eating, which means taking the time to slow down and really focus on what you are tasting while you eat. This will really help you to know when you are full, and stop eating at the appropriate time while ensuring you feel fully nourished and satiated. It can take about 20 minutes for our brain to realize that our stomach is full, so if you are in the habit of eating too fast it can lead to overeating and weight gain.
This kind of philosophy can also help you to achieve your long-term goals, as it also involves not being too hard on yourself if you slip up and eat something "wrong." One mistake people make when they slip up and eat something they feel they shouldn't have, is that they automatically feel they have failed which makes it easier to give up on their whole weight loss plan.
The best thing about this mentality is knowing that not every day is perfect and that you are better off just accepting the mistake and moving on. Keep your eyes on the long-term weight loss goals and focus on feeling good. You'll get there!
3. Eat Plenty Of Lean Protein
When we asked registered dietician Brocha Soloff what food is best when it comes to planning your meals for weight loss, she recommended focusing on lean, healthy proteins in your diet.
Eating a high protein diet can help reduce cravings for snacks between meals, curbing excessive hunger and late-night snacking. Even better, studies have shown that people on high protein diets eat fewer calories throughout the day than their more carb- or fat-focused counterparts.2
Soloff recommends that you get 1g of protein per kg of body weight per day, which is about 80g per day for the average adult.
Good proteins to include in a weight loss plan include fish, chicken, lean steak, greek yogurt, nuts, and legumes. However, overdoing it with the protein you eat also isn’t such a good idea. Soloff adds that eating excess proteins can get converted into glucose and get stored as fat.
4. Try A Low-Carb Diet
Although carbs are undeniably delicious, if you want to lose weight, any weight loss program will tell you that you're going to need to cut back on them with a low-carb nutrition plan.
And we’re not just talking about refined carbs such as pizza, white bread, pastries, and pasta. Soloff also recommends you even eat less whole-grain carbs such as quinoa and whole wheat bread which can impact your weight too. However, you shouldn't stop eating whole grains altogether, as continuing to include these in your low-carb diet in moderation will make sure you get enough energy and fiber throughout the day.
“You can lose several pounds by following a low-carb diet for just a few days,” says nutritionist Carol Aguirre. “A decrease in carb intake can also reduce water weight and bloating.”
However, the best long-term approach would be to include some healthy whole grain carbs in your diet, in moderation. Low-carb is more sustainable than no-carb, and plenty of whole-grain carbs have other benefits such as fiber to aid your digestion. It has been proven by numerous studies that a low-carb diet with a focus on eating good quality protein and healthy fats can help anyone lose weight.3
The science behind this is that carbohydrates turn to glucose in your body when they have been digested. This glucose enters your bloodstream, and your body needs to produce insulin to regulate your blood sugar levels to a healthy level. This insulin then creates fat cells, causing you to gain weight, which in turn causes more hunger. By following the principles of low-carb diets, you can reduce insulin, which will help you burn more fat and lose weight.4
To ensure you still stay full and satiated on a low-carb diet, Aguirre recommends replacing the carbs with non-starchy vegetables such as bell peppers, broccoli, asparagus, mushrooms, zucchini, spinach, kale, and cauliflower. A low-carb diet should aim to accompany these non-starchy vegetables with good quality proteins and healthy fats such as avocado, nuts, unrefined olive oils, and fatty fish.
The keto diet has recently become popular as an ultra-low-carb weight-loss program with some proven health benefits, but we recommend that you seek medical advice before embarking on an extreme low-carb nutrition plan to ensure you are fully informed.
5. Avoid Sugar & Junk Food
As tempting as they may be, sugar and processed foods (aka junk food) are not your best friend when you want to lose weight. Eating or drinking sugary products causes glucose to enter our bloodstream which in turn elevates our blood sugar. When our blood sugar is elevated for an extended period of time, our bodies produce excess insulin and fat cells, which is one of the main risk factors for weight gain, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
The recommended daily intake of sugar is 30g per day, which is the equivalent of about 7 teaspoons. This really isn't a lot, especially considering that high levels of sugar can be found in unexpected places too, such as processed and ready-made foods.
Instead of eating sugary and processed food, Aguirre recommends focusing on a simple diet made up of whole, nutritious food. “Nutritious foods tend to be very filling and make it easier to eat fewer calories without getting hangry,” she says. So when you go to the grocery store, make sure you fill up your cart with more fresh foods and less processed stuff, which will make you less likely to eat sugary snacks when you get home. This will be a boon for your health and your weight loss goals.
Be wary of products that are advertised as low-fat, too, as these often compensate for the lack of fat with a high amount of sugar to make the flavor better. Examples of these include low-fat dairy products such as yogurt, milk, and cheese, or low-fat cereals, low-fat salad dressings, or even low-fat sandwich spreads like margarine or vegetable oil-based spreads. These products may be the culprits for many people on a diet who keep wondering why they haven't lost weight yet.5
Even fruit juice may be packed with sneaky sugars, with one medium glass of fruit juice (250ml) containing a surprising 20 to 26g of sugar. While fruit juice does contain vitamins that are good for you, the sugar content is just as high as soda, so you should avoid drinking too much juice in your long-term weight management plan.6
While you should be aiming to get 5 to 10 servings of fruit and vegetables per day from your food, try to prioritize eating non-starchy vegetables and whole fruits over juices or smoothies in your diet to avoid unnecessary weight gain.
And although artificial sweeteners may be a tempting alternative to sugar when you have a sweet tooth, unfortunately, some studies have shown these may help maintain your cravings for sweet foods and inhibit weight loss.7
So all in all, it's best to switch your diet sodas and fruit juices to water instead, if healthy weight loss is your goal. Your skin will thank you for it too!
Nourish Your Skin & Body With French Pine Bark
Cutting back on sugar will not only help you lose weight, it will reduce the levels of free radicals in your body, which is also amazing for your skin! Free radicals are molecules formed when we consume too much sugar, processed food, or alcohol, or when we expose our skin to excess sun damage or environmental pollutants. These molecules degrade the quality of our skin, making us more prone to wrinkles, age spots, and dehydration.
If your skin is feeling tired and dull due to free radical damage, we have the perfect antioxidant boosting supplement for you. Masquelier French Pine Bark OPC is an all-natural healing supplement with anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergic properties to boost your overall health.
It works to neutralize excess free radicals with an antioxidant that is significantly more powerful than vitamin E and 20 times more powerful than vitamin C. As well as having huge benefits for your immune system, it will also help protect your skin's collagen from damage and lead you towards a more supple, youthful appearance.
Consider it the perfect addition to your weight loss, health, and wellness journey!
6. Reduce Your Alcohol Intake
While we're talking about free radical damage, alcohol is another big offender that can harm your skin and your weight loss goals long term.
Alcohol is a form of empty calories, with most alcoholic beverages being high in calories but low in nutritional value. This means that, when we drink, we are consuming calories but not feeling full, which is one of the enemies of losing weight.
Alcohol also impacts the way our bodies burn fat. It also slows down our diet and weight loss efforts. When we drink, our bodies need to work so hard to break down alcohol that they become slower to burn fat, meaning that we can gain weight despite our best efforts to maintain a low-carb diet.
Drinking alcohol also lowers inhibitions and increases appetite simultaneously, increasing the likelihood of mindless snacking on junk food. A nightmare for any weight loss goals!
Of course, many people enjoy one or two drinks with friends over the weekend, and you don't need to cut it out completely to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. But moderation is key, and there are wise drink choices you can make to ingest fewer calories and help minimize the damage to your health.
To cut back on sugar and empty calories, swap out sweet cocktails with a glass of red wine or a glass of dry white wine. Spirits like vodka or whiskey can also be a good option when paired with a low-sugar mixer such as soda water, sparkling water, or lime juice.
The bottom line is, you don't need to entirely cut out alcohol from your weight loss diet, but a few good choices in terms of drinks may help you avoid unnecessary extra calories.
7. Stay Hydrated
Losing weight isn't all about the food you eat. If you are hoping to lose weight, staying hydrated is a no-brainer.
We all know that we should be drinking eight glasses (or 2 liters) of water per day. Drinking water keeps us alert. It keeps our muscles and joints limber, it gives us energy, and it makes our skin glow. It is also essential in flushing toxins from our system, improving our digestion, and regulating our body temperature.
But when it comes to losing weight, did you know that drinking enough water can help you too?
First of all, thirst can often be confused for hunger, so keeping your water bottle with you can help stave off snacking on unnecessary calories by making you feel full. If it's cold water, even better, as your body uses more energy (and therefore burns more calories) working to digest it.
It has also been proven that drinking a large glass of water can boost your metabolism for up to an hour afterward. Try drinking a large glass of water an hour before your meals to help you avoid overeating, boost your metabolism, and allow you to digest meals quicker and burn more calories.8
Keep Your Skin Healthy & Hydrated With Taut Hydrate
While you are looking after yourself and making healthy lifestyle choices for losing weight, you'll begin to feel those great health benefits and your skin will follow suit!
However, while eating well and drinking more water will help keep your skin hydrated, there is only so much these lifestyle choices can do for your complexion. As we age, our bodies begin to produce less of the substances that keep our skin looking young and radiant, including hyaluronic acid. And if we want our skin to look as good as we feel, we need to look at creating a good skincare routine, too.
In order to give your skin the best chance at radiance, why not keep it hydrated from within with a supplement like Taut Hydrate?
Our plant-based formula is made with 99% pure hyaluronic acid, which works like a super moisture magnet to fill, hydrate, and plump your skin. Grape seed extract works as an antioxidant to brighten skin tone and reduce imperfections. Together, they are the dream team for a rejuvenated, younger-looking complexion.
You can use this all-natural, vegan, preservative-free, and gluten-free formula as the perfect companion to your good food choices and healthy weight loss plans, leading you to radiant and supple skin!
8. Try Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is restricting your food intake to a specific time window in the day, which Carol Aguirre recommends as an effective strategy to use for weight loss. “It forces you to eat less and reduce your calorie intake since you are limiting your food intake to a short window of time,” she says. “It is very important to eat mostly healthy foods during your eating window. This won't work if you eat lots of junk food or excessive amounts of calories.”
To get the best intermittent fasting results, there are a few different protocols you can use. Aguirre suggests the 16/8 method which involves fasting every day for 14 to 16 hours and only eating 2 to 3 meals during an 8 to 10 hour eating window. That may sound like a long time to go without eating but remember you’ll be asleep for a lot of those hours.
Avoiding eating late in the evening is also good for your health, helping you to sleep better and feel more energized when morning comes. The evenings after dinner also tend to be a danger zone for snacking on desserts or sweet treats, so intermittent fasting can help you break that habit when you want to diet and lose weight. If you are prone to a sweet tooth, try stocking up on healthy desserts like frozen yogurt or fruit to eat when those cravings become irresistible.
9. Consume Caffeine
Good news for coffee and tea lovers! Consuming caffeine can actually assist you in your weight loss goals. “Caffeine can help increase metabolism and decrease appetite in some people,” says Soloff. “Or, if not lower appetite at least provide a sense of satisfaction.” That said, this tip alone isn’t going to do all the work for you. It’s still very important to pair it with a healthy diet and lifestyle if you want to lose weight.
Watch out for caffeinated drinks that contain unhealthy sugars like high fructose corn syrup and artificial sugar, as drinking too much can work against your weight loss efforts. It is recommended to drink coffee and tea without any added sugar, in order for caffeine to work on burning off your body fat.
10. Lower Your Calorie Intake
At the end of the day, weight loss is just math. If you decrease the number of calories you eat, you will drop some weight. The ideal number of calories you can eat while still losing weight depends on various different factors such as your age, height, current weight, activity levels, and metabolic health. On average, however, Aguirre says, “Women need to eat about 2,000 calories per day to maintain their current weight and 1,500 calories to lose one pound of weight per week. An average man needs to eat 2,500 calories to maintain his weight and 2,000 to lose one pound of weight per week.”
Cutting back on calories doesn’t have to be a scary, difficult thing. Remember the idea is not to be starving when attempting weight loss. That’s not a healthy way to go. Aguirre recommends you use some easy tweaks to help you accomplish this goal such as not snacking or eating after dinner, ditching condiments and sauces which tend to be very calorie-dense, and not drinking your calories. Beverages, especially ones with a lot of sugar, contain a ton of calories. Stick to water, tea, and coffee instead. There are also many weight loss tools and calorie-counting apps you can use to keep track of what you eat, which may make losing weight so much easier for you.
You should also remember that not all calories are equal. Aim for low-calorie foods that will make you feel full (e.g. vegetables, whole grains) over high-calorie foods that don't make you full. These are "empty calories" found in foods like candy or soda, which may add to your daily calorie intake without contributing any nutritional value. You should also aim to eat a healthy mix of fat, protein, and carbohydrates in your diet, to ensure your calorie count is well-balanced.
11. Detox Your Gut
Good gut health is also important when it comes to not just overall health but also weight loss. “Having a greater abundance of bacteria in our gut is associated with being a healthy weight while having fewer bacteria is linked to being overweight or obese,” Aguirre says.
According to Aguirre, sugary foods may help stimulate the growth of unhealthy gut bacteria and contribute to excess fat and weight gain so it’s best to avoid them. The same goes for artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and saccharin which reduce the good bacteria in the intestines.
In order to detox your gut for weight loss, she also suggests you avoid eating foods with unhealthy fats. “Good fats such as omega-3s support beneficial bacteria in the intestines, whereas too many saturated fats may contribute to the growth of bad bacteria which are among the risk factors for many diseases,” she says.
Instead, she suggests incorporating more high-fiber foods into your healthy low-fat diet, as high-fiber foods are good for gut bacteria. Try to use more raspberries, artichokes, green peas, broccoli, lentils, chickpeas, beans in your meals to feel these benefits. When it comes to carbs, choose whole grains over items such as white bread or pasta.
It's also important to include some probiotic foods into your diet, to regulate the bacteria in your gut and assist your weight loss efforts. Look for probiotic dairy products such as yogurts with live cultures, or fermented food products like sauerkraut, miso, kefir, sourdough bread, and kombucha. Don't forget to watch out for those extra sugars in low-fat dairy products, too!
Detox Your Skin With Taut Bright
While you get to work on detoxing your gut, why not detox your skin too with Taut Bright's powerful antioxidant formula?
Taut Bright works like a detox for your skin, designed to remove toxins from the body, reduce the signs of aging, and minimize blemishes such as age spots and hyperpigmentation.
Our powerful formula contains 7 antioxidants and active ingredients that work together to protect your complexion against cellular damage, inhibit melanin production, fade hyperpigmentation and age spots, and brighten your skin naturally.
If you are looking to complement your weight loss journey with a radiant and youthful complexion, Taut Bright could be the perfect addition to your new routine.
5 Lifestyle & Exercise Tips For Losing Weight
Of course, it's not all about a low-carb diet or calorie counting. Eating the right food is so important to weight loss, but in order to really see the pounds shed, you’ll also need to make some lifestyle changes and include some physical activity into your routine.
Here are our top 5 lifestyle tips that will help you lose fat and find a healthy weight.
1. Get Enough Sleep
Not only is sleep important to our energy levels and brain function, but it can also be a boon for maintaining a healthy weight too.
Getting a bad night's sleep disrupts your circadian rhythm, which functions as your internal body clock to tell you when to sleep, wake up, or eat. This clock helps regulate your metabolism, regulating your blood sugar and cholesterol, too. A lack of sleep can throw your circadian rhythm out of sync, which in turn may lead to increased appetite, eating unhealthy foods, and a lack of energy to exercise. Studies have found that poor sleep patterns are often linked to people who are overweight or obese.9
On the other hand, a good night's sleep will have the opposite effect, ensuring you are properly rested, your metabolism and blood sugar levels are regulated, and that you don't overeat throughout the day.
To help you get the best rest possible, try to maintain a healthy sleep cycle that sees you going to bed at the same time each evening and waking up at the same time each morning. Try to avoid caffeine after 3 pm, and avoid eating late at night, too.
Getting enough sleep will also have added health benefits like reducing the risk factors for high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. Use this advice as a win-win for your weight and your health!
2. Reduce Stress
Stressful situations cause our brains to produce cortisol, a hormone that sends our bodies into fight-or-flight mode and temporarily slows down other bodily functions, including our metabolisms. This is a natural process that is biologically designed to protect us from harm, but if you are experiencing long-term stress it may lead to problems such as weight gain, fatigue, high blood pressure, and even depression.
Elevated cortisol levels also lead to an increase in hunger levels, which causes many people to eat salty, fatty, or sugary foods in particular. This is obviously not helpful for anyone trying to lose weight!
Thankfully, there are actions we can take to reduce our cortisol levels and the negative eating habits that come with it. We recommend that you try to boost your levels of the happy hormones; serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins. These may have opposite effects to cortisol, working to relax your body and mind, which may help keep your appetite levels normal and reduce the urges to eat unhealthy foods.
Some examples of ways to release these happy hormones include practicing mindfulness, doing yoga, meeting up with friends, enjoying a funny movie, or taking some time for self-care. These are just examples of small actions you can use to help your weight loss efforts, which you may find will reduce stress and boost the happy hormones that make you feel good.
3. Find A Type Of Exercise You Enjoy
When it comes to weight control, it's not all about low-carb diets or watching what you eat. Losing weight also requires about 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity per day, and it is important to emphasize quality over quantity when it comes to choosing your exercise plan.
While forcing large amounts of rigorous exercise that you don't enjoy may be effective in reducing your body weight, it is not likely to be sustainable long term.
Instead, try to find a type of physical activity that you enjoy doing regularly, whether that's swimming, cycling, jogging, yoga, pilates, or dancing. If you enjoy the movement you are doing, you are far more likely to continue doing it and less likely to give up or avoid it.
If you still find it hard to stay motivated to exercise for weight loss, try to find a social activity like joining a running group, signing up for yoga classes with friends, or joining a hiking club. The possibilities are endless, and you'll find it easier to stay motivated if you have other people you can rely on to hold you accountable.
4. Mix Up Cardio With Strength Training
The most effective weight loss programs combine cardio with strength training to maximize the benefits of each type of exercise.
Some people on their mission to lose weight may make the mistake of doing cardio exercise only. Although cardio burns more calories on the spot, averaging about 250 kcal for a 30-minute jog, weight training can help you burn more calories throughout the day.
Lifting weights builds muscle, and muscles working to repair themselves after a strenuous weights workout will burn more calories while your body is at rest. This, in turn, boosts your metabolism and helps you trim down fat.10
So the best advice for losing weight is to combine cardio and weights in your training schedule, which should aim for 3 to 5 workouts per week for optimum health benefits.
5. Try High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
High-intensity workouts (HIIT) are workouts that typically last about 30 minutes, combining high-intensity exercises such as sprinting, skipping, jumping, or burpees with short rest intervals. These often happen in one-minute cycles, with 20 seconds of very high-energy movement followed by 40 seconds of rest.
These types of training sessions are the most effective form of physical activity when it comes to losing weight, as they not only burn a high number of calories while you do them, but there is an increase in calories burned afterward, too.11
So there you have it, a guide to weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight that avoids fad diets, excessive counting calories, and other unhealthy habits!
Our Secret To Toned, Healthy Skin Even After Weight Loss
A common problem among many people who have lost weight is sagging, loose skin. When your diet begins to work and you start to shed fat, you will also lose some of those good fats that keep your skin and face plump and full. The best defense against sagging skin is to replenish your body's collagen supplies.
Luckily, our Taut Ms. Magnifique bundle can help you do just that!
Ms. Magnifique is a unique 24-day program that combines the benefits of Taut Premium Liquid Collagen with our Taut Bright supplement and our luxurious Collagen Mask.
Taut Premium Liquid Collagen is our hero product, and it's the perfect solution to help replenish your skin collagen, restore firmness and density, and prevent skin sagging due to fat loss. Each tiny glass bottle of Taut Premium Collagen contains a high concentration of 13,000mg of pure marine collagen peptides plus 6 more skin-loving ingredients (elastin, hyaluronic acid, grape seed extract, ceramide, Vitamin C) that work synergistically to help plump, smooth out wrinkles, firm and hydrate your skin.
And in case you were wondering about the nutritional value, Taut Collagen is high in protein (13grams) and low in sugar (2 grams derived from plant sugar stevia), so drinking Taut will only help in your weight loss efforts while keeping your skin looking youthful.
Meanwhile, Taut Bright works to detoxify your skin and body for a brighter, more radiant complexion.
Taut Collagen Mask is the cherry on top of this bundle, a luxurious 15-minute treatment that works to help you tone, hydrate, and brighten your skin with a much-deserved at-home spa feeling. It's the perfect way to treat yourself after a long week of workouts!
Together, the skin-loving products in our Ms. Magnifique bundle will help restore life and youth to your skin, avoiding sagging skin after you've lost weight. By combining specialist skincare with the health benefits of your new diet and activities, you'll be giving your complexion the best chance it can get. Everyone will want to know the secret to your newfound glow!