Hyaluronic Acid: What You Should Know

It is everywhere in almost every kind of skincare product. But do you know what it can actually do for you?

Hyaluronic Acid



Sagging skin, wrinkles, and joint pain are issues that commonly plague us as we age. These problems might seem unrelated, but they can all be treated with a substance that’s naturally present in our bodies called hyaluronic acid. 

Hyaluronic acid may not be the latest, most exotic ingredient out there, but it’s a tried and true substance that’s proven to be great for the skin. It is now widely available in skin creams, serums, and beauty supplements.

Hyaluronic acid has been referred to as a fountain of youth. It is a polysaccharide (carbohydrate) found in connective tissues that helps to retain moisture and lubricates your joints. It is also found in the fluid inside your eyes, acting as a shock absorber and transporting nutrients into the eyes.


Not Only Do You Lose Collagen As You Age, You Also Lose Hyaluronic Acid


Youthful skin is pliable and resistant due to its high water content, and the key molecule that contributes to the skin’s moisture is hyaluronic acid. There is a large amount of hyaluronic acid between the skin cells, where it keeps your skin moist, firm, and supple. Babies have plump, dewy skin because they are born with a high level of hyaluronic acid. 

Unfortunately, as you age, the amount of hyaluronic acid in your skin diminishes. While you’ll never be able to make your skin look as plump and smooth as it did when you were a baby, you can restore your skin’s hyaluronic acid levels to give it a fresh and youthful appearance. Skin that has high hyaluronic acid content looks healthy, soft, and smooth. 


It Can Be Washed Off

Dermatologists have long touted the benefits of hyaluronic acid. It can even carry up to 1,000 times its weight in water. The disadvantage of hyaluronic acid is that its molecules are too large to penetrate the surface of the skin and therefore can be washed off. However, there are new anti-aging formulations that are more effective and achieve longer lasting results. The hyaluronic acid molecules in these products are at lower weights, making them capable of penetrating lower layers of the skin, such as your dermis, where collagen and hyaluronic acid resides.


It Can Minimize Your Wrinkles 

The oral intake of hyaluronic acid helps to maintain skin hydration and smooth out wrinkles without the invasiveness of hyaluronic acid injections. A study in the Scientific World Journal has shown that when hyaluronic acid is taken orally, it contributes to the increased synthesis of hyaluronic acid and moisturizes the skin. Another study carried out at Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich, Germany showed that the topical application of hyaluronic acid led to a significant improvement in skin hydration and elasticity. Furthermore, the application of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid was associated with a notable reduction in wrinkle depth.

Lube Up Your Joints With It and Get Joint Pain Relief

Not only does taking hyaluronic acid supplements make your skin look supple and smooth, it also relieves joint pain. Hyaluronic acid is a key component of synovial fluid in your joints, which provides lubrication and enables the bones in your joints to glide against one another. The results of a study from Japan show that oral hyaluronic acid supplementation may improve the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis, for example.


So What Can I Do?


Taut® Premium Collagen contains 10mg of hyaluronic acid, which deeply hydrates and nourishes the skin. Taut’s anti-aging collagen formula is made up of a wealth of ingredients that support skin and joint health. What are the benefits of collagen liquid? The powerful combination of hydrolyzed marine collagen and hyaluronic acid help make your skin look fuller, firmer, and younger-looking, while helping to reduce join pain at the same time.

See for yourself and feel the difference with Taut® Premium Collagen Advanced Formula.