Liquid Collagen Benefits: Does This Miracle Drink Work & What Is It?
5 reasons why it works better than collagen powder, collagen pills and bone broth for anti-aging benefits

Say hello to collagen, a skin-friendly protein that is now being offered in liquid form to combat the signs of aging. Liquid collagen benefits everything from the skin, joints, hair, and nails, but, are collagen supplements the new 'fountain of youth’? And, can these miracle drinks turn back the hands of time to make you look years younger?
Marketed as an anti-aging product, collagen liquid has been creating a buzz in the skincare and wellness industry. For many years now, Japanese women have been drinking the protein to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, but it's only recently that men and women in Europe and the United States have jumped on the bandwagon.
One of the reasons for this is the growing awareness that it is the largest and most abundant protein in our body, and makes up a whopping 80% of the dermis—which contributes directly to our skin glow, firmness, suppleness, and elasticity, and is also responsible for the healthy cushion between our joints as well as strong hair and nails.
Our natural production of the protein reaches its peak when we hit our mid-20s, but after that, our levels start to decline. This is the primary cause of thinner, less elastic skin as well as other signs of aging, like wrinkles, deep creases, and saggy areas around the mouth and neck. Not to mention thinning hair and brittle nails. As your levels drop, you may also experience joint pain and discomfort, so it makes sense to start supplementing your loss of collagen to maintain a youthful complexion and healthy joints.
How Collagen Supplements Work
In simple words, collagen drinks contain hydrolyzed peptides or collagen protein. The peptides are the smaller chain molecules that have been broken down through a process called hydrolysis, which makes them easier and faster for your body to absorb. However, despite being easier to absorb, they still contain all of the essential amino acids that our skin needs.
Let’s dig a little deeper:
Benefits of Liquid Collagen
What does liquid collagen do? Well, with the best product, you can improve skin health, support your joints and bone mineral density, enjoy luscious hair and strong nails, support muscle mass, and even experience some weight loss. In fact, liquid collagen benefits are virtually endless when it comes to your complexion! Drinking collagen benefits supports your body’s natural production of the protein and helps the body absorb the collagen you lose during the aging process. Collagen proteins can:
Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Reduce dry skin
Improve hair and nail growth
Improve skin firmness and elasticity
Reduce the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite
But, the benefits of liquid collagen drinks aren’t limited to only our dermis. That’s right, collagen supplements may provide additional support for connective tissues and joint health as well as extra relief from joint pain and stiffness. It may also help you achieve full, voluminous hair.
So, Does Drinking a Collagen Supplement Really Work?
If you're asking yourself, does collagen liquid drink work? The answer is a resounding yes!
Collagen drink benefits include everything from joint health to providing you with luscious plump skin, and strong hair and nails. In fact, regular oral collagen supplementation has been shown to increase skin elasticity and hydration while also leaving your hair full and luscious. However, taking collagen supplements can only work if the following conditions are met:
It contains hydrolyzed collagen liquid peptides.
It contains a high concentration of peptides per portion: A minimum of 5,000 mg (5 grams) per serving, and not just juice with a very low concentration of peptides per portion. Many liquid collagen drink products and collagen supplement companies claim to be effective but without providing nutrition facts supporting the dose of peptides per serving. If the product is just liquid with some collagen, it is like drinking an energy drink loaded with sugar.
It contains other bioactive compounds that are collagen boosters and not destroyers. Read more below to see the list of collagen-loving ingredients you should look for and collagen-killer ingredients to avoid as part of your collagen supplementation routine.
Choosing The Right Type Of Supplements for the Job
While the benefits of collagen supplements are virtually endless, simply choosing a random product or consuming collagen-rich foods won’t necessarily restore your skin’s firmness and elasticity. To achieve a glowing, radiant complexion, you have to start reading labels in order to find supplements that provide the right doses of this structural protein as well as the correct concentration for dermis restoration.
Keep in mind that there are 28 different types of this abundant protein in the human body. The most abundant is Type I collagen, which makes up 85% of the human skin and is also present in our hair. Type II collagen makes up most of our connective joints. It supports bone mass, helps prevent bone breakdown and weak bones as well as joint and general wellbeing. And, finally, Type III is the second-most abundant collagen found in our body, making up 15% of the dermis.
To see noticeable changes in your skin’s complexion, such as a reduction in wrinkles, improved appearance of stretch marks, and increased skin elasticity, you should always choose peptides that contain at least 90% Type I. Research has shown that daily oral supplementation containing hydrolyzed Type I helps increase levels in the dermis.
The amount of time it takes for someone to see results after taking liquid collagen supplements varies. With a Taut Premium 13,000mg/1.7oz dose, most people see improvement in their complexion and hair within a few weeks to a month or two.
But, as not all supplements are created equal, if a product is poorly absorbed, it will have no effect. That’s why it’s important to start by reading the labels on products in order to choose the best type of collagen supplement made with the highest quality ingredients.
5 Reasons Why Liquid Forms Work Better Than Collagen Powder & Pills
1. Delivers Higher Concentration Of Peptides Per Serving
A liquid collagen supplement is able to deliver a higher concentration of peptides and other nutrients faster and more effectively into our blood vessels, meaning the body can absorb the collagen better.
The presence of a high concentration of peptides in the bloodstream triggers the body's wound healing response that reactivates the body’s natural production of the protein.
Medically reviewed clinical studies show that taking 10,000mg (10 grams) of collagen peptides a day over 8 weeks can improve skin elasticity, hydration, and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles while also improving overall hair, joint, muscle mass and muscle growth, and bone health.1
Depending on your age, you would need to take at least 5,000-10,000mg (5-10 grams) of peptides per day to see visible results.
So, what about drinks vs pills? Well, to reach the required potency and experience the same benefits, you would need to swallow 10-20 large pills every day in order to get the same amount of collagen per liquid oz. This means that taking best liquid collagen is a superior option for reversing the effects of aging skin. That’s not to mention that it’s more convenient than taking pills!
2. Efficient Absorption Rate
The most efficient collagen supplement is actually a product with peptides delivered in a liquid state rather than powdered collagen or pill form. The reason is, liquid peptides have a much higher absorption rate because most of the hard work is already being done for your body. These drinks are, in essence, already pre-digested, so your body is able to absorb your collagen supplements quickly and efficiently so that you can enjoy all of the various health benefits.
When you ingest supplements in pill form, your body has to work much harder to digest the pills and pull the nutrients from them. This means the collagen you take in is less easily digestible and absorbable. A drink is the best option for getting the peptides to your skin and joints.

3. Science Backs Up These Protein Drinks
There has been intense debate surrounding the efficacy of collagen drinks, but multiple medically reviewed studies have proven that liquid collagen benefits the dermis and helps with fine lines and wrinkles.2
According to a medically reviewed study published in the Archives of Dermatological Research in 2008, taking liquid collagen may help with overall formation in the body compared to powdered collagen, collagen pills, or topical collagen.3 Another study suggesting that drinking collagen could reverse the effects of sun-related skin aging was also published.4
Need more proof? Another medically reviewed study suggested that ingesting peptides increases fibroblast density and enhances the formation of collagen in the dermis.6 Fibroblasts are specialized cells in the dermis layer that synthesize collagen and elastin. The study researchers at Katsuragi Hospital in Japan also documented improvements in the skin of subjects who took an oral collagen supplement.
4. Collagen Drinks Are Super Convenient
The most popular form of liquid collagen is “ready-to-drink collagen” in a bottle.
The portion sizes differ between tiny shots (1.7 oz.), about the size of a double shot espresso, to a dose of the protein added to 150ml ounces of water or other liquid.
What makes ready-to-drink collagen so easy is that you no longer need to mix peptide powder with water or juice—it dissolves right on your tongue! Many of the collagen drinks also come with other healthy skin-loving ingredients which eliminate the need to add extra ingredients or supplements to your skin care routine.
With so many drinks to choose from, here are 7 tips for buying the best collagen supplement.
Are Bone Broth & Collagen-Rich Foods Better Than Collagen Drinks?
According to Nourish Kitchen, bone broths are slow cooked or simmered for anywhere between 8 hours and 24 hours or more. The purpose of these broths is to release small amounts of minerals from the bones while also producing gelatin.
So, why are there claims that good quality liquid collagen supplements have a more powerful effect than drinking broth?
You know how many peptides you are getting per dose.
Taking collagen in liquid form provides already broken down peptides that don't require your body to take extra steps to digest and break down the super-size molecules found in broth.
Broth contains Type II collagen, not the more desirable Type I collagen.
Liquid collagen is ready to drink and you can take it anywhere, without having to spend hours boiling bones to produce the broth.
In a high-quality drink product, the collagen peptides combined with co-factors like vitamin C will ensure optimal absorption in the body.
Are Collagen Peptides and Liquid Collagen Safe?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies liquid collagen as Generally Recognized As Safe ("GRAS"). As dietary supplements are not as tightly regulated as pharmaceutical products, like prescription drugs or dermal fillers, it is best to purchase them from reputable brands that are in compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
What is liquid collagen and is liquid collagen good for you? RenewSkin, Inc takes the time to define collagen here.
Optimize Your Liquid Collagen Supplements With the Right Ingredients
With so many brands of liquid collagen for skin offering bottles and collagen syrup products with a twist tab or something of the sort, it has become easier to mix and customize your own liquid collagen supplement.
One of the latest trends is mixing collagen peptide powder with your morning coffee for weight loss or making your own morning collagen coffee weight loss shake.
Even though this is a good noble concept for healthy skin, there are a lot of scientific studies that show caffeine actually inhibits collagen synthesis - even with its amino acids.6 Even if you're a fan of the convenience of getting 2 jobs done with one drink, mixing collagen with coffee is not going to work for your skin health or your joints. If you absolutely need to include it in your daily coffee drink, it would be best to mix it with decaf coffee instead of regular coffee.
What is considered a good quality drink? A drinkable formula that helps maximize the delivery of peptides into your skin and joints while supporting bone and muscle mass and reducing artery stiffness! Adding the right ingredients that enhance absorption and nutrients for skin and joints is like formulating a good recipe. Here are some tips:
Avoid Collagen-Killing Ingredients
Coffee has many health benefits but combining it with collagen will not give you the complete benefits you hope to receive because clinical studies show that caffeine destroys the protein.
Alcohol and sugar damage our skin health. It goes without saying that having too much alcohol and sugar is bad for our skin.
Why? Because collagen may break down.
Sugar and alcohol create inflammation which breaks down healthy collagen. So it's common sense not to mix the protein with any cocktail (just in case you feel like having one). Watch out for the amount of sugar you use in your collagen formula too. Try not to exceed 2 grams of sugar per portion.
Best Collagen-Loving Ingredients That Should Be Mixed With Your Shake
Vitamin C or citric acid is a cofactor for collagen production and a beauty nutrient in its own right, so having fruits and fruit juice high in vitamin C and antioxidants in your drink can help accelerate peptide absorption and collagen synthesis.8
Hyaluronic acid and essential oils for skin are great for providing hydration and moisture to reduce the signs of aging in men and women. Hyaluronic acid is a moisture magnet that will keep your complexion plump and firm.
Grape Seed Extract as well as other antioxidants and super fruits such as green tea extract help protect your skin from the effects of free radicals. An antioxidant blend can also provide powerful results.
Collagen vitamins include Vitamin B, Vitamin E which are game-changers for boosting your dermis' health.
Does Drinking Collagen Have Any Side Effects?
Liquid collagen side effects are very rare. Let's do some digging:
Collagen peptides are either extracted from animal bones or fish scales. In truth, plant collagen doesn’t exist because collagen doesn’t occur naturally in plants. Plant protein sources can help support our natural production, but that’s not the same as offering the complete protein, especially as our body decreases production as we age. In short, all complete sources are animal-derived.
Animal extract collagen is derived from the bones of a cow, chicken, or pig.
Peptides made from animal bones can come with some side effects if the bones were not properly treated. There is also the risk of having higher than normal calcium levels if you don't pay attention to the amount of calcium present in the collagen supplements.
According to Dr. Mercola, quality is a concern in collagen and bone broth products. He states that recent testing by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center revealed eight popular broths and supplements contain hazardous contaminants including antibiotics, prescription drug metabolites (breakdown by-products of drugs), steroids, and insecticides. These can also pose great risks for patients and people consuming these products, especially those with pre-existing medical conditions.
So if you are buying chicken, porcine, or beef collagen, Dr. Mercola encourages patients to ingest products that are 100% organic and/or certified grass-fed to avoid any negative side effects.
In Comes Fish Collagen...
Fish extract collagen is derived from scales of fish.
Often known as "marine sourced", fish collagen is considered superior because of its purity and high bioavailability. Because Marine Collagen is extracted from fish, it is free from Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) (also known as “Mad Cow Disease”), Hoof-and-Mouth disease, and/or Bird Viruses.
Marine sourced products also don't contain high calcium levels as there is a very little trace amount of calcium in the scales of fish vs. in animal bones.
However, for some people who are allergic to seafood, marine fish-extracted forms can create some allergic reactions, depending on the purity of the marine liquid collagen peptides.
Taut Premium Collagen Drink Advanced Formula contains only 100% pure marine collagen derived from wild-caught Red Snapper Fish and does not contain any non-fish animal protein. It’s allergen-free and chemical-free and is considered among the best types of liquid collagen for the skin.
Why Is Taut's Advanced Formula The Ideal Choice for Reducing Fine Lines & Wrinkles
Delicious tasting in its tiny 1.7 oz sealed glass bottle, Taut Premium Drink Advanced Formula has undergone strict quality control and is designed for convenience and formulated with the highest quality nutrition from premium ingredients.
Each bottle contains the highest potency of Marine Type I 13,000mg collagen hydrolysate-rich in amino acids and is mixed with 5 key skin-loving ingredients free of harmful preservatives.
Marine collagen derived from wild-caught Red Snapper fish and produced under GMP condition, Taut guarantees you'll only enjoy premium hydrolyzed liquid collagen and healthy ingredients that deliver the best results for your skin in both women or men.
Drink one bottle each day for 21 days to reduce aging, build bone and muscle mass, strengthen your nails and hair, and see your skin transformed into firmer, fuller, radiant, and younger-looking skin!
Not sure where to buy liquid collagen products? Many customers rated Taut's formula the best drink for their skin.
Customer's Testimonials
Best Collagen Product!
I have used other collagen products before, but I feel that Taut Premium Collagen is the best one. I noticed that it reduced the fine lines under my eyes and my skin texture became much smoother after using Taut Premium Collagen. I would highly recommend it. -Yoko
Love it!
I’m so happy to find such an amazing product. There are so many choices out there and I’ve tried a bunch. Taut premium collagen replenish formula is the only product that has not only improved my skin but also has improved my joint pain and overall health! Thank you!!! Bonnie
Pleased with Taut!
I've tried a couple of different collagen formulas, but Taut is, by far the best. At 71 years old, my skin needs all the help it can get. With Taut, my skin looks and feels younger, firmer. Even my dermatologist commented in how good my skin is looking. I have also been happy with the customer service. I get regular updates and the product always arrives as scheduled. The only drawback is the cost, but I have to say that the regular specials have helped with that.- Kate

- Collagen Supplement Improves Skin Hydration, Elasticity, Roughness, and Density
- Beneficial Effects of Hydrolysed Collagen
- A new view concerning the effects of collagen hydrolysate intake on skin properties
- Oral Intake of Collagen Peptide Attenuates Ultraviolet B Irradiation-Induced Skin Dehydration In Vivo by Regulating Hyaluronic Acid Synthesis
- Effects of Ingestion of Collagen Peptide
- Influence of caffeine and hyaluronic acid on collagen biosynthesis in human skin fibroblasts
- Amino acids in formation of collagen